Website Privacy Notice

Your privacy is important to us and we take great care to protect it. Bristol City Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act 2018 and other regulations including the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), which means it determines what your data is used for and why it is collected. The purpose of this privacy policy is to tell you about what information we collect about you when you use our service, how we use that information and who we may share it with.

You can visit our website without giving us your personal data, but we may collect personal information about you when you request a specific service using online forms and every time you email us your details. We use this information to:

  • contact you to respond to your queries (if you email us with a question, for example)
  • provide you with services (send you an email bulletin or enable your progress through an online course, for example)
  • compile anonymised statistics about the use and value of our service

How we use cookies

Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics software to collect information about how you use We do this to help us create a more useful and easy to use site. See our privacy statement for more information.

Name Purpose Expires
_utma Determines the number of unique visitors to the site Two years
_utmb  This cookie is used to establish and continue a user session on our site 30 minutes
_utmc  This works with _utmb to calculate when you close your browser When you close your browser
 _utmz This provides information about how you reached the site (eg from another website or a search engine) Six months

Youtube videos

We use Youtube on some of our pages to embed video and when you visit one of these pages Youtube use the following cookies:

Name Purpose Expires
_use_hitbox This is a randomly generated number that identifies your browser When you close your browser
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVE Lets Youtube count the views of embedded Youtube videos Nine months

If you find any other cookies on this site that are not listed above, please let us know at [email protected].

When signing up to receive email news (direct marketing):

If you want to receive information via email from us about a specific service or project we will need to collect the personal information outlined below. Depending on your marketing preferences we may use your data to contact you about the work we do, upcoming events, fundraising and other relevant information. You will able to change your preferences or opt-out at any time. If you supply us with details about your interests we may use this information to send you tailored information relevant to these preferences.

Unless you withdraw your consent, we’ll keep a record of previous communications and other relevant details in order to optimise the services we recommend to you in the future.

Email newsletters and other communications from Museums and Archives

For receiving email newsletters we’ll need to collect your name and email address. If you provide us with other means of contacting you such as an address or phone number we may occasionally use them to contact you. We ask for your post code to help us monitor the reach of our communications and to analyse and improve our understanding of our visitor base in general.

Learning e-newsletter and other learning opportunities

For teachers and other educators, as well as your own name and email we may also record your school or organisation name. If you provide us with an address we may occasionally contact you by post.

Venue hire newsletter

Compass Group are an external company who run venue hire events at M Shed and Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. When signing up to receive news through the venue hire contact forms your name and email address will be sent to them to process in accordance with the Compass Group Privacy Policy.

When making a donation: 

When you make a donation at one of our museums, it is processed by Bristol City Council employees on behalf of Bristol Museums Development Trust. This relationship is governed by a data sharing agreement available on request, please email [email protected]. We may collect personal data such as your name, email address, postal address and phone numbers as well as credit/debit card details (if you are making a donation). We use the data you provide to process your donation, to claim Gift Aid on your donations and verify your financial transactions. We also analyse this information to improve our understanding of you and our donor base in general. This helps us make decisions about our services, and to provide you with a better customer experience.  Your data will be stored securely on our database.

We may also use this data to verify the identity of supporters who make major gifts so we can assess any risks associated with accepting their donations. This is based on the recommendations of the official regulator of charities, the Charity Commission.

How long we will keep your data for:

We keep all data on financial transactions for six years after the year the transaction took place in case of an audit by HMRC. These records must provide a clear link between the donor, declaration and donation. After this your information will be deleted. If you have opted in to receive communications from us, we will retain your data until you unsubscribe, which you may do at any time.

Why we need to collect your data:

We use the data you provide to process your donation, to claim Gift Aid on your donations and verify your financial transactions.

Who we share your data with and why:

If you have filled out a Gift Aid declaration your data will be shared with HMRC for the purposes of claiming the Gift Aid. If you have provided us with financial information regarding a donation then this data will be passed on to our processing partners and the bank. We have written agreements with these parties that protects your data and ensures it is not used for any other purposes.

If you have opted-in to receive communications from us we may use a third party supplier (such as a mailing house or a printer) to process the mailing but only if we have a written agreement with them that protects your data.

If we have your consent to use your data:

Depending on your marketing preferences we may use your data to contact you about your donation, the work we do and how to support us in future. You will able to change your preferences or opt-out at any time.

Where we have received your data from a third party:

Depending on how you made your donation, your information may have come to us through a third party (eg. Online Card Donation via Rapidata). We have written agreements with these parties that protects your data and ensures that we are the only recipients of it.

When signing up for an event or purchasing tickets for an exhibition:

We will use your personal information to send you details about the event and any tickets you may need to gain entry. We’ll also get in touch if there are any changes to the event timings. If the event gets cancelled or rescheduled, we’ll get in touch to let you know. You are consenting to be contacted with updates specific to the event you are attending including any “Thank You” emails where we may ask for your feedback about the event in order to help us improve future events. We may process your data under legitimate interests for our own analysis in order to deliver a better service in future. When accessing ticket data via the pretix api your personal data will not be stored in integrated systems.

We may use the following third-party suppliers to manage ticket purchases and guestlists:

Tickets purchased through We use Stripe to process payments. You can view their privacy policy here. We use Pretix for booking and reserving tickets for exhibitions. You can view their privacy policy here.

Guest lists for exhibition previews and specific events: We use EventBrite and Pretix to check in guests for events. You can view their privacy policies here and here.

Using contact forms on this website:

When you supply information through online forms on this website, we’ll pass your contact details on to the relevant team or member of staff so that they can respond to your enquiry. We may keep a record of the enquiry and your contact details in case we need to follow it up with any further action. We will only use these details to respond to your specific request.

When submitting a contact form for M Shed or Bristol Museum & Art Gallery venue hire, your enquiry will be sent to external contractors Compass Group for a response.

When buying something from our online shop:

When you place an order on we will use your personal information such as your address, email address and phone number so that we can fulfill your order. We’ll get in touch if there are any issues or if we need to clarify anything with you while your order is in process. We use third party suppliers Shopify to manage our shop and Stripe to process payments.

Some of our suppliers may offer a service to fulfill orders for us. We may share your details with them so that they can send your order out directly.

If you are buying a gift to send to someone, you can notify us of this in the ‘notes’ section when placing your order. We will include a gift receipt with the order, which states the sender’s name.

When liaising with us about collections

We provide access to collections whilst carefully protect their security and respecting copyright and data protection legislation. If you make enquiries about material held by Bristol Culture, visit the Bristol Archives searchroom for research, transfer material to the collections or we liaise with you about intellectual property rights, we may use your personal information to manage access to the collections and use of material in our care. We may keep a record of this information and your contact details in case we need to follow up with any further action. We will only use these details to respond to your specific request or contact you about material connected to you.

Withdrawing consent

You can withdraw your consent for us to process your information at any time. You can contact us by email or in writing to ask for your information to be deleted.  If you subscribe to our e-newsletter, there is an unsubscribe option in every issue.

As part of Bristol City Council we use this privacy statement detailing what we do with your personal data.


We  use the following third party data processors to store and manage your personal information.

Third Party Service/Vendor Data processed Purpose Entity Country Privacy Policy
Email Blaster Name, e-mail address Newsletter UK Email Blaster Privacy Statement (
Blackbaud Name, e-mail address, address, phone number CRM USA
Prretix Name, e-mail address, Ticketing GERMANY

Yours rights as a data subject:

You have the right to ask for access to your data and where data is found to be inaccurate to have that data corrected.  In certain circumstances you have the right to have data held about you erased, or the use of it restricted. You may be able to object to processing, and may also have the right to have your data transferred to another data controller.

You have the right to have any inaccurate information corrected. You also have a right of complaint to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at if you think we have not dealt with your information in a proper manner.

You can ask to see what information we hold about you and have access to it. You can do this, by contacting:

Senior Data Protection Officer

Bristol City Council

ICT Commissioning and Information Governance

P O Box 3176



[email protected]

Other questions about the data being processed may also be sent to the above address.

Fraud Prevention and Detection:

Bristol City Council is required by law to protect the public funds it administers. It may share information provided to it with other bodies responsible for auditing, administering public funds, or where undertaking a public function, in order to prevent and detect fraud. For more information visit