
Pyronaut’s 90th Birthday

This June M Shed’s fire boat, Pyronaut, turns 90 years old! She served for almost 40 years in the City Docks for which she had been designed, before being chosen as a diver’s boat for the Port of Bristol, and later beginning transformation into a p…

New display at M Shed: the toppling of the Colston statue

by Helen McConnell Simpson, Senior Curator of History Today we have launched an extended display at M Shed about the history of protest in Bristol, with the permanent inclusion of the statue of slave trader Edward Colston, which was pulled down during a B…

Winter Lectures for 2023/24

The Winter Lectures are back for a new season and the programme is as fascinating as ever.   Up first, on 12 October, is Professor Michael Benton who will be sweeping our earth’s history to explore extinctions and discuss how life survives, adap…

M Shed’s Historical Walks: Pirates and Prejudice

By walk guide Mark Steeds, author, and historian from Bristol Radical History Group Along the walk, you will be regaled with many weird and wonderful facts about Bristol’s literary, maritime, and piratical past. Did you know?  Bristol is home to the wor…

M Shed’s Historical Walks: Bristol Abolition

By walk guide Mark Steeds, author and historian from Bristol Radical History Group Starting at M Shed, this walk around central Bristol explores the city’s thousand-year involvement in the slave trade, examining what’s been memorialised and what has…

Marking International Museum Day 2023 with schoolchildren and cameras

Today (May 18) is International Museum Day with the theme of Museums, Sustainability, and well-being. A recent collaboration between our Museums Learning team and UWE Bristol demonstrates the valuable role museums play in lifelong learning and co…

Black Lives Matter Placards at Bristol Museums

by Amber Druce, Curator of Social History During protests against police brutality and racial inequality on 7 June 2020, people left placards at the base of the Colston statue plinth. This began before the statue was pulled down and continued af…

Exploring Bristol’s museums

by Amber Druce, Curator of History Here at Bristol Museums, we look after M Shed, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, Bristol Archives, Blaise Museum, Georgian House, Red Lodge, and Kings Weston Roman Villa. Obviously we want you to visit all our sites, b…

Sharing skills and expertise to create unique learning experiences

The learning team at Bristol Museums has been expanding its partnership working with some exciting results! The team develops and delivers learning experiences for children and young people all over Bristol. Strong, relevant, and inspiring part…

Schools invited to add Bristol Pound ‘fish’ to public art installation

by Bristol printmaker Mary Collett “When the last tree has been cut down, the last fish caught, the last river poisoned, only then will we realise that we cannot eat money.” — Native American saying These words are the inspiration behind a new art p…