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Find out about all things dinosaurs at Bristol Museums – explore stories, read blog posts and find out what’s on.


Ray Harryhausen’s dinosaurs

by Connor Heaney, Collections Manager at The Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation

Legendary animator Ray Harryhausen set the standard for how dinosaurs are viewed on screen.

The perfect subject material for stop-motion animation, Ray desi…


Dinosaur goes on study leave

by Debs Hutchinson, geology curator

The amazing Scelidosaurus dinosaur fossil that usually takes pride of place in the Dinosaurs Gallery at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery has temporarily been taken off display so that it can be thoroughly studied by…


Name our pliosaur!

The world’s only example of a new species of pliosaur (Pliosaurus carpenteri) will go on display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery this June.

She’s heading this way.…


The return of Dinosaur Takeover!

After roaring success, our Dinosaur Takeover! for schools is returning this November 2016.

Back in March schools from across Bristol and beyond took a trip to Bristol Museum & Art Gallery for a hands-on dinosaur experience. Our Learning team par…