15 July—22 July 2024

Room 13, Hartcliffe: 20 years of children’s creativity, art and voice

Room 13 Hareclive is an independent artists’ studio co-run by children, based in the playground of Hareclive E-Act primary school in Hartcliffe, south Bristol.

The studio is a creative hub where transformations – material, ideas, personal and community – have been taking place since 2003. The creative journeys start with children’s interests, concerns and ideas and end with their voices, work and dreams going out into the world.

Come and explore art and creative work by children and young people; learn about Room 13 Hareclive’s internationally respected approach; and have your say about the importance of creativity and art in education.

From 10am – 11am on Friday 19 July, the Room 13 team will be present for anyone interested in finding out more about Room 13’s approach to art, creativity and education.