14 January—8 July 2025

Talking Pictures: English Arts Award for schools

Explore Bristol’s art collection, find out about artists and their work, compose a range of creative writing responses, share what you have written and achieve a ‘Discover’ Arts Award along the way!

Children will:

  • explore an art gallery
  • ask questions and use their senses to explore paintings
  • become a paintings ‘expert’
  • write for a purpose
  • compose different forms of poetry inspired by works of art
  • work in pairs, small groups, large groups and as a whole class
  • practice speaking & listening skills
  • develop positive attitudes towards writing
  • learn new vocabulary
  • perform their writing and became a ‘living gallery’
  • share their writing with each other
  • achieve a Discover level Arts Award

Suitable for: Year 3–6
Duration: 3 hours 15 mins, including a 30min lunch break
Group size: Up to 35 pupils

We have 1 session available from 10.15am – 2pm

FREE use of our lunch room is included in the cost of your session.

Thank you once again for such a fantastic trip the other week. The children LOVED it. The children were thrilled with the Discover Certificates – Year 6 teacher

Supports Artsmark Award criteria:

Pupil Engagement; Range of Offer: Values and Ethos; Local cultural visit; Partnerships


Photograph © Freia Turley

Learning enquiry form

Please complete this form to start the booking process.

Your name
Providing a range of dates will help us find a suitable workshop as they book up quickly
Available at M Shed and Bristol Museum & Art Gallery only. Complimentary use when booking a workshop. Charged at £1 per child for independent visits.

Additional information

Children will work in three groups. To get the most from your visit, please organise children into groups before your workshop begins.

Each group will require support from at least one adult. Recommended ratio: one adult for every six pupils.

You are welcome to take photographs. We’d love you to share pictures of your school trip with us on social media.

Eating and drinking is not permitted in the museum apart from the school lunch room. Crumbs attract pests and our collections are far too precious to be attacked!