
What’s on your mantelpiece?

During the month of May we’re after photos of your mantelpiece for Bristol At Home. The project is all about collecting your pictures so that future generations can get a glimpse into how we live in Bristol today. Check out #BristolAtHome on Twitter and…

The John Horwood book

One of the most curious items in the Bristol Archives collection is one of the UK’s few surviving examples of a book bound in human skin. In 1821 John Horwood, an 18 year old from Hanham, near Bristol, was the first person publicly executed at Bri…

Desert Island Doc: Mapping the bombardment of Bristol

Our staff and invited guests introduce their favourite documents from the Bristol Archives collections. For this edition, Matt Coles, Archives Assistant has chosen a plan of bombs dropped, ranging from 50 kilos to 1,000 kilos, during the 1939-45 war.

Update from Bristol At Home

It’s been a busy few months at Blaise Castle House Museum! After Easter, we’ll open our doors again from Wednesday to Sunday. We’ve got a lovely new display of nineteenth century fashion, and a new pack of information in the kitchen gallery whic…

Desert Island Doc: The mermaid and the monk

Our staff and invited guests introduce their favourite documents from the Bristol Archives collections. For this edition, Julian Warren, Archivist has chosen the surviving portions of a medieval temporale.

Best of December: Christmas decorations

Now that the new year is here, we can showcase the wonderful photographs posted in December on our theme of Christmas decorations. We had some great responses. Homemade seems to have been a theme in Bristol’s homes, this Christmas. Here is Lou Archell of…

Desert Island Doc: A festive feast at Bush Tavern

Our staff and invited guests introduce their favourite documents from the Bristol Archives collections. For this edition, Allie Dillon, Senior Archivist (Public Services) has chosen a bill of fare at J Weeks’s Bush Tavern, Corn Street, for Christmas 1790.

December: Christmas decorations

Announcing the new theme for December: Christmas decorations! We want to collect photos of how people in Bristol are decorating their homes for Christmas this year. Whether you’re putting up a tree, standing glittery reindeer on your mantelpiece or hangi…

Best of November: Living Rooms

See the best of last month’s #BristolAtHome photos on our Storify. Some of these photos have been made part of the permanent collection, to be kept for the benefit of people in Bristol in the future. They might be used for research, in exhibitions or onl…