
Volunteering success stories

We’re really happy to hear that one of our volunteers has just landed himself a job at the brilliant Holburne Museum in Bath.

Conserving Bristol’s Fine Art displays

Work is well underway refurbishing the Old Masters gallery by taking down the old damask wall covering and giving it a new coat of paint, as well as repairing the ceiling and dealing with various other challenges that old buildings present.

Mothers in our collection

To celebrate Mother’s Day on Sunday 6 March, we thought we’d have a look around our collection for where ‘mothers’ might appear. Here are just a few we wanted to share with you…

‘death: the human experience’ celebrates 50k visitors

Amber Druce, co-curator of death: the human experience We’re celebrating 50,000 visitors to death: the human experience! There’s only three weeks left of the exhibition so if you haven’t seen it yet, now’s the time! Additionally, death: is it your rig…

Dealing with death as part of working life

Here one of the panelists for our Death Professionals in Conversation event, Su Chard, an Independent Funeral Celebrant takes us through what she does.

death: is it your right to choose?

The second death related exhibition, death: is it your right to choose? opens at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery on Saturday 23 January. It will look at end-of-life options in this country and focus on whether we should allow assisted dying to be legalised.

Transforming Bristol’s Fine Art displays

The challenge continues! We’re transforming Bristol’s Fine Art displays – the Old Masters gallery at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery is now closed for refurbishment, reopening in May 2016.

The lost lioness returns!

Whilst rummaging through the natural history stores hidden below Bristol Museum & Art Gallery, we came across a lion skull from the research collection which had an interesting old label, handwritten in copperplate script.

Coming up in 2016

As 2015 draws to a close, we look towards the New Year and the exhibitions coming up that will wow you in 2016.   Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2015 Until 10 April 2016 M Shed The world-renowned exhibition from the Natural History Museum re…

Toy Appeal: What do you have hiding in your attic?

With a touch of festive time travel, do you remember what you once hoped to find under the tree on Christmas morning? Were you dreaming of Lego, Scalextric, or the Millennium Falcon? Or was it Andy Pandy, The Muppets, or Care Bears?