
How would you like to own these pictures?

By Trevor Coombs, Documentation Assistant – Fine Art Earlier this year, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery licensed 2,300 digital images from the Fine Art collection to Bridgeman Images to sell on our behalf. We’ve had a commercial relationship with Brid…

Curators of the Caribbean

By Victoria Purewal, Senior Curator for Natural Sciences 300 year old plant collection brings Bristol Museum & Art Gallery and the Natural History Museum of Jamaica together. Back in the autumn of 2014, I was fortunate to be contracted by Bristo…

The Joy of Box

by Andy King, Senior Curator for Industrial and Maritime History At first glance (and second and third!) there’s nothing very sexy about shipping containers. Big, anonymous (apart from the name of an equally anonymous shipping company on its side), and s…

Rediscovered: The Clymene Dolphin

by Bonnie Griffin, Natural History curator and Bill Brind, volunteer Recent rummaging in the natural history stores at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery has led to the uncovering of an interesting specimen; the skull of a Clymene dolphin (Stenella …

The return of Dinosaur Takeover!

After roaring success, our Dinosaur Takeover! for schools is returning this November 2016. Back in March schools from across Bristol and beyond took a trip to Bristol Museum & Art Gallery for a hands-on dinosaur experience. Our Learning team p…

25 Below: Building creativity

by Cal Russell-Thompson 25 Below has just finished its second exciting week, the results of which have poured into the exhibition space. Over the last fortnight, our free events and activities have inspired 14-25 year olds to create stunning zines, s…

25 Below: a ‘pop-up’ space curated by young people

by Cal Russell-Thompson Our exhibition space is in the middle of a young people’s takeover! 25 Below is taking place throughout August, offering a mind-boggling variety of free creative workshops and events for 14-25 year olds – as well as a spa…

Preparing for Adela Breton

By Alex Rankin, Senior Visitor Assistant On Saturday 6 August an exhibition of drawings and paintings by Adela Breton went on display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. Breton was a Victorian traveller and artist who devoted the later part of her lif…

Road-roller printing? You can’t be serious?

By Aoife Barrett, Unit10 artist and Bristol Culture visitor assistant In the run up to the road-roller print event at M Shed on 2 July, Unit10 and St. Mungo’s had been busy creating a series of large-scale relief prints. These were themed on Brist…

Films of India in the British Empire & Commonwealth Collection

By Jayne Pucknell and Nicky Sugar, archivists at Bristol Archives Some amazing films from the former British Empire and Commonwealth Museum are now in the care of Bristol Archives. In our last blog post, we talked about starting to catalogue the collect…