
A year for youth at Bristol Museums

Claire Simmons, Engagement Officer for Young People It is now exactly a year since I started my post developing a programme for young people aged 16-24 and it’s been a very exciting one! Here are a few of my highlights from the last year. Present Br…

December 2016: What’s new at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery?

by Julia Carver, Modern and Contemporary art curator We’re very excited to announce new work on display in the modern and contemporary gallery at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery – just in time for Christmas! Damien Hirst A private col…

Contribute to the History of Place project

by Grace Swordy, Project Coordinator for History of Place The History of Place project highlights sites of importance within disability history, culminating in exhibitions in London, Liverpool and Bristol. You can read an introduction into the History of…

Bristol Archives: A new name for Bristol Record Office

by Allie Dillon, Senior Archivist The national Explore Your Archive campaign begins next week and we’re marking the occasion with some changes. From Monday 21 November 2016, Bristol Record Office will be known as Bristol Archives – a name chosen to…

An anthropologist in Africa: photographs by Dr Malcolm Ruel revisit Kenya

By Jayne Pucknell, archivist at Bristol Archives Among the archives in the British Empire and Commonwealth Collection, we found an intriguing group of papers and images by the anthropologist Dr Malcolm Ruel. These document his work in West and East A…

Penguin collected on Captain Scott’s fateful Terra Nova expedition

By Bonnie Griffin, Natural History Curator I’m delighted to announce that a penguin collected on Captain Scott’s fateful Terra Nova expedition (1910-1913) has been unearthed in the Natural History collection at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. My volunt…

How to solve a problem like BECM?

By Hannah Myall, MA Heritage Management, Bath Spa University I’ve been at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery for the last few months on a student placement with the World Cultures team. I’m working on the British Empire & Commonwealth Col…

Wonderful Whale 33: The Aftermath

By Bonnie Griffin, Natural History curator Read part one of this blog: Wonderful Whale 33: The Discovery You may find some of the images in this blog post upsetting. This stranding of Whale 33 and over 100 of her pod in 1927 was hugely important for the…

Wonderful Whale 33: The Discovery

By Bonnie Griffin, Natural History curator You may find some of the images in this blog post upsetting. For many years the head of a huge whale has been sitting on a shelf in the biology store, with its only markings being the numerals XXXIII and a la…

History of Place

By Karen Macdonald, Engagement Officer Even today, when principles of access are embedded in building regulations, disabled people still face exclusion or disadvantage in some social and working environments. Just think of the current campaign to im…