Blog / Exhibitions

Inspired by: Sewage Surfer

by Lee Hutchinson, Curator of Industrial and Maritime History and Rowan Whitehouse, Administration Apprentice. The next in our series of blogs inspired by images from the 53rd Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition, is from Lee Hutchinson and R…

Memories of the School’s Art Service

by Sue Stops, member of the public The current exhibition of pots from the School’s Art Service Collection has brought back many memories for me. In the 1960s my husband, John Stops RWA, was teaching pottery at Bedminster Down school. During this time a…

What is Bristol Music?

Next summer M Shed will open its doors to Bristol Music – and we’re looking for you to play a leading role. Since the 1950s, Bristol has been one of the UK’s most vibrant music cities, incorporating a rich mix of styles, genres and sounds.  Not only has…

Photo albums from a century ago inspire digital games today

by Kate Smith, from the History of Place project The History of Place project highlights sites of importance within disability history, culminating in exhibitions in London, Liverpool and Bristol. You can read more about the History of Place project in t…

Munch, munch, she ate her lunch: a child’s view of Pliosaurus

by Finn White, Engagement Officer – Communities. In March 2017, children from 3 schools were invited to take part in a competition to design and write a poem inspired by Doris, our soon-to-be resident Pliosaurus. In order to spark their imaginat…

Adela Breton: Your last chance to see her work

by Sue Giles, Senior Curator of World Cultures The Adela Breton collection is one of the treasures of the museum’s collections. Why are copies of old wall paintings on what looks like lining paper so interesting and important? That question takes a wh…

This year’s best Wildlife Photographer of the Year captions

In this year’s Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition we asked you to write a caption to make us laugh for two images – Eviction Attempt by Ganesh H. Shankar and I Spy with my Raven Eye by José Juan Hernández Martínez. We had hundreds of entries a…

Name our pliosaur!

The world’s only example of a new species of pliosaur (Pliosaurus carpenteri) will go on display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery this June. The length of a bus with sharp teeth the size of bananas, four huge flippers and crushingly powerful jaws, th…

History of Place

By Karen Macdonald, Engagement Officer Even today, when principles of access are embedded in building regulations, disabled people still face exclusion or disadvantage in some social and working environments. Just think of the current campaign to im…

Preparing for Adela Breton

By Alex Rankin, Senior Visitor Assistant On Saturday 6 August an exhibition of drawings and paintings by Adela Breton went on display at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. Breton was a Victorian traveller and artist who devoted the later part of her lif…