Discover the magic of Museums at Night in Bristol

Posted on by Saffron Smolka.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore a museum after dark, without the bustling crowds, at a pace that allows you to truly savour every exhibit? Bristol Museums at Night offers this enchanting experience, designed exclusively for adults.

Our Museums At Night are after-hours events that gives you this opportunity, alongside enjoying themed activities. Bristol Museums at Night events have been incredibly popular over the last few years as word spreads about the unique opportunity to experience beautiful Bristol Museum & Art Gallery in a more grown-up atmosphere!  Throw in some fantastic experiences such as arts and crafts, dancing, music and entertainment and it makes for a truly special night out.

Each event is carefully curated, often to complement our major exhibitions. From artistic workshops and historical re enactments to interactive installations, there’s always something to spark your curiosity and creativity. We get to be party planners, thinking about how to theme the refreshments, entertainment and decorations. Our recent events have featured everything from 18th-century musical soirées to contemporary queer cabaret.

Black man talking to a crowd through a microphone in a gallery space.

Museums at Night event- 2023

Feedback from previous Museum at Night events:

“I love this stuff, makes life worth living. Really enjoyed dressing up. Loved the diversity of the audience.”

“The highlight for me was the fact that the event took place in the museum…allowing us to become a part of the artefacts for the evening…Brilliant!”

 “Honestly I’ve had a lovely time, more please!”

A couple in the museum at night dancing. The hall is lit with purple light and the couple look like they're having fun.

Museums at Night event 2022 ©Barbara Evripidou / First Avenue Photography

Next Museums at Night event -“Truth to Nature”: Solstice on 20 June

A woman with long brown hair wearing a flower crown sat in a field is staring at the sunset.

We are excited to be holding the first of our Museum at Night experiences for 2024 in celebration of the solstice along with our current exhibition ‘Truth to Nature’. The solstice reminds us that we are not separate from nature but an integral part of its breathtaking tapestry. There will be a chance to bring out your inner creative sunchild with dressing up, story telling, and life drawing.

You can dance the night away with Booty Bass, Bristol’s legendary bassalicious collective of femxle and non-binary DJs. And of course, this is your chance to see the National Treasure on loan from The National Gallery- Constable’s Hay Wain included in your ticket price.

The Hay Wain oil painting featuring a rural farmscape

The Hay Wain by John Constable 1821, courtesy of The National Gallery

We are very grateful to The National Gallery for sponsorship of the events programme through their NG200 celebrations of the gallery’s bicentenary. This event is part of a programme to accompany the National Treasures: Constable in Bristol “Truth to Nature” exhibition at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery.

Click here to book your ticket for this unique experience.

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