Blog / Collections

Dolls made by a freed (manumitted) woman in Grenada

by Sue Giles, senior curator for World Cultures In 2012, Bristol Museum & Art Gallery and Bristol Archives took on the collections of the British Empire & Commonwealth Museum (BECM). There are some real gems in the collection, and we are slow…

Behind the scenes: Hanging a Bouts

by Lisa Huang-Taylor, curatorial placement I am currently on a placement with the curatorial department at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery and I went behind the scenes for the hanging of St Luke Drawing the Virgin and Child painted by the workshop of 15…

Celebrating the multicultural beauty of Bristol

By Lacey Trotman, Digital Apprentice At the beginning of the year, one morning in a staff meeting, it was revealed that Bristol residents speak a total of 91 languages. Now that’s an impressive statistic for a city of just 428,100 people (2011 cens…

The Painted Ceiling

By Trevor Coombs, Documentation Assistant, Fine Art Have you ever attended a full council meeting at City Hall? Perhaps as a member of the public interested in one of the agenda items, or maybe you are a council officer doing your job, or a coun…

An exciting future for Bristol Old Vic and its archives

by Allie Dillon, Senior Archivist at Bristol Archives We’re delighted to be part of a project to transform Bristol Old Vic into a major heritage destination, thanks to a £2.4m grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The investment is funding a r…

How do you care for an eight metre long pliosaur?

by Deborah Hutchinson, Geology curator Bristol Museum & Art Gallery is very lucky to care for two pliosaur specimens. One is a huge impressive skull on permanent display in the Sea Dragons Gallery. But our second pliosaur takes up a bit more room as …

In search of sea monsters

Bonnie Griffin, Natural History Curator In 2017, for the first time ever, the museum is holding an exhibition focusing on our incredible Pliosaurus fossil, found in Westbury in 1994. This massive marine reptile was 8 meters long, had teeth the size of st…

Penguin collected on Captain Scott’s fateful Terra Nova expedition

By Bonnie Griffin, Natural History Curator I’m delighted to announce that a penguin collected on Captain Scott’s fateful Terra Nova expedition (1910-1913) has been unearthed in the Natural History collection at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery. My volunt…

How to solve a problem like BECM?

By Hannah Myall, MA Heritage Management, Bath Spa University I’ve been at Bristol Museum & Art Gallery for the last few months on a student placement with the World Cultures team. I’m working on the British Empire & Commonwealth Col…